Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta grapes. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta grapes. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

Dear Garnacha de Aragón,

I am writing this letter to tell you that I like you and you make me feel happy. I know that many people treats you bad but it happens because they do not know you at all or know a little about you or just talk without knowing. 

Garnacha vineyards in Aragón
 When I talk about you, I love to remark your true origin in the dry and hard lands located in the South-West of Saragossa, in the center of Aragón (Spain). I stress this fact when I have often spoken to Spanish and foreign people about you, I recalled how strong and powerful you are, how resistant you are when extreme climates are your home, how you grow in arid and desert lands. I love to explain that you have to be tamed and sometimes blended to achieve more softness and become gentler because when you are all alone your power can be overwhelming, in all senses. And not all persons love that! People are more used to global sensations and you are unique and special. Do not forget.

Garnacha old vine bush
I have seen you growing up, maturing and getting old to arrive to many places, making big efforts that not everyone was willing to take over and assume. You have been re-conducted to grow straight and when getting old, standing by yourself, you give the best out of you.

Since you were young, you traveled the world and were well established on the banks of the river Rhone, in France, developing your own personality. And you were named “Grenache” oh la la! So, when I mention that your original name is GARNACHA, some people stay wide-eyed and say: “Really? I didn’t know”. I deeply understand them as the “Made in France” tag has always been more chic.

Wild vine of Garnacha in Zaragoza (Aragón, Spain)
Anyways, you have also crossed seas and oceans where your powerful characteristic is dissolved. Like someone who emigrates to a faraway country and losses -little by little- his true identity as he adapts to the new climate, soil, habits…….and people.

Garnacha ready for harvest
For that, I write this letter: to remind you that you are being very well considered and loved in this global world, with your name Garnacha and surname de Aragón – like Agustina with whom you have a lot in common, by the way- .
Looking forward to see you soon, I wish you the best and may you bring us more unforgettable moments.

jueves, 31 de enero de 2013

Wine comes from grapes

After travelling through several countries with "no wine culture" and teaching children about wine, I found indispensable to make a brief presentation for wine beginners, newcomers and curious people from any place interested in discovering where the wine comes from. 

vineyard in rows
No, wine does not come from a tap nor a carton (I heard it about milk!!). 
The WINE comes from the vineyards where VINES are planted and bunches of GRAPES grow. 

Simple, isn´t it? Well, not so simple....Click here to see full presentation of:  "from the vine to the glass"

vines planted in trellis
bunches of grapes hanging

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012

VIDA y VINO, aniversario y balance

Hoy cumple dos años VIDA y VINO, tras este tiempo con el blog he hecho balance de lo que más se ha leído (y espero que gustado!) hasta la fecha y, por supuesto, agradeceros de corazón que leáis y sigáis "VIDA & VINO" a través twitter, facebook, linkedin, google+, pinterest y otros portales relacionados con el vino, desde muchos países de Europa, America y  algunos de Asia y Africa, hasta de Oceanía!

Today, VIDA y VINO is two years old. After this time, I have made an analysis of which posts had more registered visits (and I hope the most liked ones!). I am deeply grateful to you for following and reading this blog via twitter, facebook, linkedin, pinterest and some other communities related to wine. I also want to thank many readers from Europe, America and some of Asia and even Africa and Down-Under!

Aujourd'hui, il y a deux anns que VIDA y VINO est né. Après ce temps, j'ai fait une analyse et bilan de ce que a eu plus de visites enregistrées (et j'espère que le plus aimées  aussi!). Je suis profondément reconnaissante à vous pour la suite et la lecture de ce blog via twitter, facebook, linkedin, pinterest et quelques autres communautés liés au vin. Je tiens également à remercier les lecteurs  d'Europe, d'Amérique et d'autres de l'Asie et même en Afrique et l´Océanie!

 Así que aquí tenéis el ranking de los posts que más visitas han registrado. Sé que existen muchas variables que he tratado de analizar también para extraer de esta lista conclusiones positivas y de mejora.

So, here you have a post ranking starting from the most visited ones. I am aware that there are many other inputs that influence this list. Those have been taken into consideration in order to extract positive and relevant conclusions for the future.

Voici donc, le classement des posts selon les plus visités. Je sais qu'il y a beaucoup de variables que j'ai également essayé d'analyser, sur cette liste,  pour en extraire des résultats positifs et d´amélioration.

Vino Bajo en alcohol/ Low alcohol wine
Celebremos la vida ¡Salud!
La cata del vino 2.0
Wine and food / Vino y comida
"La Buena Uva" del vino
Let´s have a glass of wine / Tomemos un vino
El vino y los sabores
Los nombres del vino
Estilo de vida, estilo de vino
Por ti, brindo: ¡feliz 2011!
Vino y jamón españoles / Spanish wine and ham
Vino,música y estadode ánimo
Hoy,1 de diciembre de 2010 estreno mi blog
Hoy hace 20 años! / 20 years, today!
Memorias no sólo de Africa, parte 1
The world I know has changed /El mundo que conozco ha cambiado

Lo más enriquecedor es ver lo que a la gente le interesa de verdad y lo que no. Por intuición y "tacit knowledge" imaginaba los resultados y también tenía mis sospechas. Pero con la analítica (como en los vinos) he confirmado la realidad. ¡Gracias a todos por vuestras lecturas, comentarios, apoyo y ayuda!

He sacado conclusiones muy jugosas para próximas entregas y para la forma de trabajar online/offline. Vosotros también podéis sacar las vuestras y aplicar lo que os pueda ayudar en vuestra vida cotidiana.

To sum up, thanks again for your comments, support and help. I wish this blog can be useful and fun in your life as it is for me.

Pour résumer, merci encore pour vos commentaires de soutien et d'aide. Je souhaite que ce blog peut être utile et gai dans votre vie comme il est pour moi.

¡Salud! Cheers! À la votre!