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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta people. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019

say, show and share to SELL...... WINE

Selling wine is much more than finding a wine shop, restaurant, distributor, importer, retailer, supermarket or marketplace operating a B2B or B2C strategy, it is a P2P experience. It has always been, and it will always be. Besides all new technologies, selling wine is personal, so personal that I would even say it is individual.

Of course, I am not talking here about wine tourism or about grabbing a nice good value bottle on the self of a supermarket. Even that basic wine, it had a first approach person to person before it went on the shelf, as I have experienced.

New trends indicate that millennials buy more wine online each day but we cannot forget that they also go out for eating and having a glass of wine with friends, the offline version.

my working tools
So, when it comes to really “sell wine”, a producer, winemaker, brand ambassador or seller must be a wine entertainer and focus on attracting the person´s attention by telling tips, stories, special characteristics and explain the soul of the liquid element. 

If we fail to connect Person to Person, selling our wines will be a hard task. Even if the wine has undergone through a traditional or modern elaboration technique, vineyards were being brought up as own children or premises were state-of-the-art all these efforts will lay down in obscurity, not to mention the sacred MARKETING ROI.

That´s why wine events and fairs hardly will disappear. In wine, there is a mystic, a human factor that cannot be “replaced” by machines. Different matters are placing orders and logistics. In that sense e-commerce, shops online, marketplaces are the future and present. 

So, never stop nurturing your wine curiosity.

...because life taste better with wine!! Cheers!!

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

The world I know has changed / El mundo que conozco ha cambiado. To click or not to click

In my previous post, I said that I have had the great chance to visit more than 40 countries across the five continents. So, I have spent my last 30 years travelling around the world. I have discovered and seen so many places and met so many people that, even if I keep good memories, I sometimes forget places and names, not faces. Good for me that I have a beautiful collection of  printed photos sticked on albums where all details were written for each picture: names, places, people, dates, cities, countries, events.....

This is what I miss now, that great feeling: going to fetch the printed pictures after days waiting....every picture was  perfect because it was unique, no need to do, re-do, to erase, to zoom more or less. Just a "click" and that instant was that: neat, original, fresh, real. Surprise was for granted. Now, there are no more surprises. But even the world keeps changing fast, my memories remain the same.

I love to evolve with this changing world but I find necessary to take a deep breath, go a step backwards and have a quiet look at what is going on. It does not mean to stop, it just means to keep going forward in the right path. That is happiness for me.


Como dije en mi anterior post, por trabajo o por placer he tenido la gran fortuna de haber estado en más de 40 países de los 5 continentes. Así que he pasado los últimos 30 años de mi vida dando vueltas, vianjando, yendo y viniendo. He descubierto y conocido muchos lugares hermosos y gente interesante. Suerte la mía que tengo una gran colección de álbunes con cientos de fotos ,"etiquetadas" como se dice ahora, con los nombres de la gente, lugares, ciudades, eventos, acontecimientos, etc.
Eso es lo que hecho en falta ahora, esa estupenda sensación al  recoger las fotos impresas que tardaban unos días en estar listas. Ahora todo es tan veloz que puedes hacer, deshacer, borrar, agrandar, alejar, acercar en segundos. Antes un click era un acto importante porque era algo indeleble, instantáneo, original y que seguro nos iba a sorprender. Ahora ya no hay sorpresas. Y aunque el mundo cambia velozmente, mis recuerdos permanecen igual.
Me gusta evolucionar con los tiempos y con el mundo, siempre lo he hecho y lo sigo haciendo, aunque ahora es tan vertiginosa la velocidad que se está alcanzando que es necesario bajar de marcha, respirar y reflexionar. No digo pararse ni estancarse, sino analizar el entorno y seguir actuando sin pausas por el camino correcto. Eso es felicidad para mí.